Dr. Steve Pettit continues a series from the book of James entitled “Wisdom from Above,” from James 3:13.
1836. Introduction to James
Dr. Steve Pettit begins a series from the book of James entitled “Wisdom from Above,” from James 1.
1835. Proclamation Amid Persecution
Pastor Ben Fetterolf of Hampton Park Baptist Church in Greenville, SC concludes a Seminary Chapel series on the prophet Jeremiah from Jeremiah 37-38.
1834. Proclamation That Flows From Loyalty to God
Dr. Brian Hand continues a Seminary Chapel series on the prophet Jeremiah from Jeremiah 15:15-21.
1833. Proclamation to Self When Doubting Your Call
Dr. Mark Batory continues a Seminary Chapel series on the prophet Jeremiah from Jeremiah 20.
1832. Proclamation to the Faithful
Dr. Gary Reimers continues a Seminary Chapel series on the prophet Jeremiah from Jeremiah 35.
1831. Proclamation that Addresses the Heart
Dr. Doug Garland begins a Seminary Chapel series on the prophet Jeremiah from Jeremiah 17.
1830. The Transformation of the Believer, Part 2
Dr. Steve Pettit concludes a message from a BJU Evangelistic Service from Romans 12:2.
1829. The Transformation of the Believer, Part 1
Dr. Steve Pettit preaches at a BJU Evangelistic Service from Romans 12:2.
1828. The Mystery of Christ and the Church
Rev. Dan Brooks concludes the series entitled “Christ’s Body: The Church” from Ephesians 5:25-32.
1827. Choosing a Local Church
Dr. Brent Cook continues a series entitled “Christ’s Body: The Church” from Acts 2:42.
1826. The Word of God and the Church
Dr. Mark Minnick continues a series entitled “Christ’s Body: The Church” from Acts 2:41.
1825. Church Involvement
Dr. Nathan Crockett continues a series entitled “Christ’s Body: The Church” from Hebrews 13.
1824. Evangelism in the Church
Dr. Greg Mazak continues a series entitled “Christ’s Body: The Church” from Ephesians 4:12.
1823. The Mission of the Church
Dr. Jason Ormiston continues a series entitled “Christ’s Body: The Church” from Matthew 6:13-20.
1822. The Believer’s Relationship to the Local Church
Dr. Ken Casillas continues a series entitled “Christ’s Body: The Church” from Ephesians 4.
1821. What is the Church?
Dr. Gary Reimers begins a series entitled “Christ’s Body: The Church” from Ephesians 1:22-23.
1820. Prone to Wander
Dr. Alan Benson concludes the series called “Nehemiah: Life On Mission” at BJU chapel. The text is from Nehemiah 9.
1819. Receiving and Responding to God’s Word
Dr. Alan Benson preaches a series called “Nehemiah: Life On Mission” at BJU chapel. The text is from Nehemiah 8.
1818. Watchfulness At the Point of Winning
Dr. Alan Benson preaches a series called “Nehemiah: Life On Mission” at BJU chapel. The text is from Nehemiah 7.