752. Jubilate

Dr. Steve Pettit continues a chapel series entitled “Encountering God.”  This series is from the book of the Psalms.  Today’s scripture passage is Psalm 100.

750. Jesus Is My Shepherd

Dr. Steve Pettit continues a chapel series entitled “Encountering God.”  This series is from the book of the Psalms.  Today’s scripture passage is Psalm 23.

749. Glory to God

Dr. Steve Pettit continues a chapel series entitled “Encountering God.”  This series is from the book of the Psalms.  Today’s scripture passage is Psalm 19.

748. How to Worship God

Dr. Steve Pettit continues a chapel series entitled “Encountering God.”  This series is from the book of the Psalms.  Today’s scripture passage is Psalm 15.

738. Spiritual Gifts

Dr. Gregory Stiekes continues a doctrinal series entitled “Breath of Life” This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today’s scripture passage is Romans 8:9-11.

737. Spirit Baptism

Dr. Dan Olinger continues a doctrinal series entitled “Breath of Life” This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today’s scripture passage is 1 Corinthians 12:13.

733. Regeneration

Dr. Alan Benson continues a doctrinal series entitled “Breath of Life” This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today’s scripture passage is Ephesians 2.