Dr. Steve Pettit continues a chapel series entitled “Encountering God.” This series is from the book of the Psalms. Today’s scripture passage is Psalm 100.
751. Living With An Eternal Perspective
Dr. Steve Pettit continues a chapel series entitled “Encountering God.” This series is from the book of the Psalms. Today’s scripture passage is Psalm 90.
750. Jesus Is My Shepherd
Dr. Steve Pettit continues a chapel series entitled “Encountering God.” This series is from the book of the Psalms. Today’s scripture passage is Psalm 23.
749. Glory to God
Dr. Steve Pettit continues a chapel series entitled “Encountering God.” This series is from the book of the Psalms. Today’s scripture passage is Psalm 19.
748. How to Worship God
Dr. Steve Pettit continues a chapel series entitled “Encountering God.” This series is from the book of the Psalms. Today’s scripture passage is Psalm 15.
747. Discovering True Happiness
Dr. Steve Pettit continues a chapel series entitled “Encountering God.” This series is from the book of the Psalms. Today’s scripture passage is Psalm 1.
746. Introduction to the Psalms
Dr. Steve Pettit begins a chapel series entitled “Encountering God.” This series is from the book of the Psalms.
745. Developing a Winning Mindset as We Run the Race
Rev. Jay Knolls preaches a chapel message about running the race. Today’s scripture passage is 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
744. Don’t Let Pet Sins Become Killer Monsters
Rev. Rand Hummel preaches a chapel message to ministry chapel students.
743. A Teacher Named Grace
BJU Chancellor Dr. Bob Jones III preaches a chapel message about grace. Today’s scripture passage is Titus 2:11-15.
742. What is the Point of God Ordained Suffering?
Rev. Mike Hess preaches a chapel message about suffering. Today’s scripture passage is II Corinthians 1:8-10.
740. The Ongoing Work of the Holy Spirit
Dr. Sam Horn concludes a doctrinal series entitled “Breath of Life,” about the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Today’s scripture passage is Ephesians 5:15-21.
739. The Filling of the Spirit
Dr. Jon Daulton continues a doctrinal series entitled “Breath of Life” This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today’s scripture passage is Ephesians 5:18.
738. Spiritual Gifts
Dr. Gregory Stiekes continues a doctrinal series entitled “Breath of Life” This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today’s scripture passage is Romans 8:9-11.
737. Spirit Baptism
Dr. Dan Olinger continues a doctrinal series entitled “Breath of Life” This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today’s scripture passage is 1 Corinthians 12:13.
736. The Conviction of the Holy Spirit
Dr. Eric Newton continues a doctrinal series entitled “Breath of Life” This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today’s scripture passage is John 16.
735. How Does the Spirit Empower Us?
Dr. Kerry McGonigal continues a doctrinal series entitled “Breath of Life” This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today’s scripture passage is Zechariah 4.
734. The Work of the Holy Spirit in Sanctification
Alan Benson continues a doctrinal series entitled “Breath of Life” This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today’s scripture passage is Romans 7:14-25.
733. Regeneration
Dr. Alan Benson continues a doctrinal series entitled “Breath of Life” This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today’s scripture passage is Ephesians 2.
732. The Holy Spirit in Creation
Dr. Jason Ormiston continues a doctrinal series entitled “Breath of Life” This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today’s scripture passage is Genesis 1.