730. Humility in Action 2

BJU President Dr. Steve Pettit concludes a series entitled “Wisdom From Above.” This series is from the book of James. Today’s scripture passage is James 4:7-10.

729. Humility in Action 1

BJU President Dr. Steve Pettit continues a series entitled “Wisdom From Above.” This series is from the book of James. Today’s scripture passage is James 4:7-10.  

724. Wisdom from Above

BJU President Dr. Steve Pettit continues a series entitled “Wisdom From Above.” This series is from the book of James. Today’s scripture passage is James 3:17.

723. Wisdom from Below

BJU President Dr. Steve Pettit continues a series entitled “Wisdom From Above.” This series is from the book of James. Today’s scripture passage is James 3:14-18.

716. The Reformation Must Continue

BJU Seminary Dean Dr. Sam Horn concludes a doctrinal series entitled “Truth Triumphs,” celebrating the beginning of the Reformation in 1517. The scripture passage is from I Timothy 4:16.

722. Who Is a Wise Person?

BJU President Dr. Steve Pettit continues a series entitled “Wisdom From Above.” This series is from the book of James. Today’s scripture passage is James 3:13.

715. The Centrality of Preaching

BJU Seminary professor Dr. Kerry McGonigal continues a doctrinal series entitled “Truth Triumphs,” celebrating the beginning of the Reformation in 1517. The scripture passage is from II Timothy 3:15-17.