Dr. Tim Hughes continues a Seminary Chapel series entitled “Abiding in Christ,” which is a series studying John 15. His message is titled “Abiding in Christ for Prevailing Prayer,” from John 15:7.
1086. Abiding in Christ: the Exclusive Way to Much vs. Nothing
Pastor Andrew Haney continues a Seminary Chapel series entitled “Abiding in Christ,” which is a series studying John 15. His message is titled “Abiding in Christ: the Exclusive Way to Much vs. Nothing,” from John 15:4-6.
1085. Abiding in Christ by the Vine-Keeper’s Care
Dr. Stephen Hankins begins a Seminary Chapel series entitled “Abiding in Christ,” which is a series studying John 15. His message is titled “Abiding in Christ by the Vine-Keeper’s Care,” from John 15:1.
1084. Your Heart has More Sin than You Realize
Pastor Chris Anderson delivers a message titled “Your Heart has More Sin than You Realize,” from Luke 22:23-24.
1083. Cast All Your Care On Him pt. 2
Evangelist Morris Gleiser finishes a two-part message from Bob Jones University’s 2020 Bible Conference titled “Cast All Your Care On Him,” from 1 Peter 5:5-11.
1082. Cast All Your Care On Him pt. 1
Evangelist Morris Gleiser delivers a two-part message from Bob Jones University’s 2020 Bible Conference titled “Cast All Your Care On Him,” from 1 Peter 5:5-11.
1081. The Asher Promise
Dr. Steve Pettit delivers a message titled “The Asher Promise” from Deuteronomy 33:24-25.
1080. Jesus Christ: The Son of Man
Dr. Nathan Crockett finishes a series entitled “Looking Unto Jesus” with a message titled “Jesus Christ: The Son of Man,” from Daniel 7:13-14.
1079. The Good Shepherd
Dr. Ken Casillas continues a series entitled “Looking Unto Jesus” with a message titled “The Good Shepherd,” from Ezekiel 34.
1078. The Power of the Resurrection
Dr. Jason Ormiston continues a series entitled “Looking Unto Jesus” with a message titled “The Power of the Resurrection,” from Psalm 22.
1077. Jesus Christ: Our high Priest Forever
Dr. Kevin Oberlin continues a series entitled “Looking Unto Jesus” with a message titled “Jesus Christ: Our high Priest Forever,” from Psalm 110.
1076. Christ: The Everlasting Ruler
Dr. Sam Saldivar continues a series entitled “Looking Unto Jesus” with a message titled “Christ: The Everlasting Ruler,” from Psalm 2.
1075. Seeing Christ in the Binding of Isaac
Dr. Craig Hartman continues a series entitled “Looking Unto Jesus” with a message titled “Seeing Christ in the Binding of Isaac,” from Genesis 22.
1074. Look to Jesus the King
Dr. Eric Newton continues a series entitled “Looking Unto Jesus” with a message titled “Look to Jesus the King,” from 2 Samuel 7.
1073. Rest in Jesus
Dr. Ted Miller continues a series entitled “Looking Unto Jesus” with a message titled “Rest in Jesus,” from Hebrews 3.
1072. Looking Unto Jesus: Christ Seen in the Structure of the Old Testament
Dr. Dan Olinger begins a series entitled “Looking Unto Jesus” with a message titled “Looking Unto Jesus: Christ Seen in the Structure of the Old Testament,” from Hebrews 12:1-2.
1071. Character Development and its Importance
Dr. Steve Pettit delivers a message titled “Character Development and its Importance,” from II Peter 1:3-4.
1070. Toward the Completion of Our Holiness
Dr. Greg Stiekes finishes a series entitled “Ministry According to II Corinthians” with a message titled “Toward the Completion of Our Holiness,” from II Corinthians 6:14-7:1.
1069. Removing Obstacles from Ministry
Dr. Neal Cushman continues a series entitled “Ministry According to II Corinthians” with a message titled “Removing Obstacles from Ministry,” from II Corinthians 6:1-13.
1068. Constrained by Christ’s Love
Dr. Alan Benson continues a series entitled “Ministry According to II Corinthians” with a message titled “Constrained by Christ’s Love,” from II Corinthians 5:11-15.