Dr. Ken Casillas begins the Seminary Chapel series studying Acts 20 with a message titled “Pay Careful Attention to Your Own Lives,” from Acts 20:28.
1045. The Ongoing Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Dr. Sam Horn concludes the series entitled “Breath of Life,” with a message titled “The Ongoing Ministry of the Holy Spirit,” from Ephesians 5:15-21.
1044. The Filling of the Spirit
Dr. Jon Daulton continues a series entitled “Breath of Life,” with a message titled “The Filling of the Spirit,” from Ephesians 5:18.
1043. Spiritual Gifts
Dr. Greg Stiekes continues a series entitled “Breath of Life,” with a message titled “Spiritual Gifts,” from Romans 8:9-11.
1042. Spirit Baptism
Dr. Dan Olinger continues a series entitled “Breath of Life,” with a message titled “Spirit Baptism,” from 1 Corinthians 12:13.
1041. The Conviction of the Holy Spirit
Dr. Eric Newton continues a series entitled “Breath of Life,” with a message titled “The Conviction of the Holy Spirit,” from John 16.
1040. How Does the Spirit Empower Us?
Dr. Kerry McGonigal continues a series entitled “Breath of Life,” with a message titled “How Does the Spirit Empower Us?,” from Zachariah 4.
1039. The Work of the Holy Spirit in Sanctification
Dr. Alan Benson continues a series entitled “Breath of Life,” with a message titled “The Work of the Holy Spirit in Sanctification,” from Romans 7:14-25.
1038. Regeneration
Dr. Alan Benson continues a series entitled “Breath of Life,” with a message titled “Regeneration,” from Ephesians 2.
1037. The Work of the Holy Spirit in Creation
Dr. Jason Ormiston continues a series entitled “Breath of Life,” with a message titled “The Work of the Holy Spirit in Creation,” from Genesis 1.
1036. Introduction to the Holy Spirit
Dr. Sam Horn begins a series entitled “Breath of Life,” with a message titled “Introduction to the Holy Spirit,” from John 14.
1035. The Foundation of Christian Sanctification pt. 2
Dr. Sam Horn delivers a message from the 2021 Bible Conference titled “The Foundation of Christian Sanctification pt. 2,” from Romans 12:1-2.
1034. The Foundation of Christian Sanctification pt. 1
Dr. Sam Horn delivers a message from the 2021 Bible Conference titled “The Foundation of Christian Sanctification pt. 1,” from Romans 12:1-2.
1033. What is Sanctification All About? pt. 2
Dr. Steve Pettit delivers a message from the 2021 Bible Conference titled “What is Sanctification All About? pt. 2,” from Jude 1.
1032. What is Sanctification All About? pt. 1
Dr. Steve Pettit delivers a message from the 2021 Bible Conference titled “What is Sanctification All About? pt. 1,” from Jude 1.
1031. Joseph: A Servant Chosen and Equipped
Dr. Jim Berg concludes the Seminary Chapel series entitled “Old Testament Servants,” with a message titled “Joseph: A Servant Chosen and Equipped,” from Genesis 37-50.
1030. David: A Servant Chosen and Equipped
Dr. David Doran continues the Seminary Chapel series entitled “Old Testament Servants,” with a message titled “David: A Servant Chosen and Equipped,” from 1 Samuel 17.
1029: Jeremiah: A Servant Chosen and Equipped
Pastor Tom Fuller continues the Seminary Chapel series entitled “Old Testament Servants,” with a message titled “Jeremiah: A Servant Chosen and Equipped,” from Jeremiah 1.
1028. Ezra: A Servant Chosen and Equipped
Dr. Eric Newton continues the Seminary Chapel series entitled “Old Testament Servants,” with a message titled “Ezra: A Servant Chosen and Equipped,” from Ezra.
1027. Moses: A Servant Chosen and Equipped
Dr. Mark Minnick continues the Seminary Chapel series entitled “Old Testament Servants,” with a message titled “Moses: A Servant Chosen and Equipped,” from Jonah.