433. Look to Jesus the King

Dr. Eric Newton of the BJU Bible Faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Looking Unto Jesus” Look to Jesus the King 2 Samuel 7 From the chapel service on 02/09/2015

432. Rest in Jesus

Dr. Ted Miller of the BJU Bible Faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Looking Unto Jesus” Rest in Jesus Hebrews 3 From the chapel service on 02/05/2015

428. Final Warnings

Dr. Steve Pettit continues a discipleship series entitled, “Run the Race” Final Warnings Hebrews 12:15-17 From the chapel service on 04/06/2015

419. Choosing a Local Church

Dr. Brent Cook of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Christ’s Body: the Church” Choosing a Local Church Acts 2:42 From the chapel service on 11/018/2014

417. Church Involvement

Dr. Nathan Crockett of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Christ’s Body: the Church” Church Involvement Hebrews 13 From the chapel service on 10/07/2014