Dr. Steve Pettit continues a series entitled “Divine Design” with a message from Genesis 2.
1494. Be A Man
Dr. Steve Pettit continues a series entitled “Divine Design” with a message from 1 Corinthians 16:13-24.
1493. Core Essential Truths of Divine Design
Dr. Steve Pettit continues a series entitled “Divine Design” with a message from Matthew 19:3-6.
1492. The Importance of Divine Design
Dr. Steve Pettit begins a series entitled “Divine Design” with a message from Matthew 19:2-6.
1153. Conclusion
Dr. Sam Horn concludes a series entitled “Divine Design” with a message titled “Conclusion,” from Psalm 139 and Romans 12.
1152. Let the Lion Roar
Dr. Alan Benson continues a series entitled “Divine Design” with a message titled “Let the Lion Roar,” from 1 Timothy 3:14-16.
1151. Four Things You Need to Know Before You Say “I Do”
Dr. Steve Pettit continues a series entitled “Divine Design” with a message titled “Four Things You Need to Know Before You Say ‘I Do,’” from Ephesians 5.
1150. Guiding Principles for Marriage
Dr. Steve Pettit continues a series entitled “Divine Design” with a message titled “Guiding Principles for Marriage,” from Genesis 24.
1149. The Usefulness of Singleness pt. 2
Dr. Alan Benson continues a series entitled “Divine Design” with a message titled “The Usefulness of Singleness pt. 2,” from 1 Corinthians 16:13.
1148. The Usefulness of Singleness pt. 1
Dr. Alan Benson continues a series entitled “Divine Design” with a message titled “The Usefulness of Singleness pt. 1,” from Ephesians 4:12-15.
1147. The Case for Biblical Complementarianism pt. 2
Dr. Sam Horn continues a series entitled “Divine Design” with a message titled “The Case for Biblical Complementarianism pt. 2,” from Ephesians 5:21-33.
1146. The Case for Biblical Complementarianism pt. 1
Dr. Sam Horn continues a series entitled “Divine Design” with a message titled “The Case for Biblical Complementarianism pt. 1,” from Acts 20:26-27.
1145. Biblical Womanhood
Dr. Steve Pettit continues a series entitled “Divine Design” with a message titled “Biblical Womanhood,” from Genesis 2.
1144. Be A Man
Dr. Steve Pettit continues a series entitled “Divine Design” with a message titled “Be A Man,” from 1 Corinthians 16:13-24.
1143. Core Essential Truths of Divine Design
Dr. Steve Pettit continues a series entitled “Divine Design” with a message titled “Core Essential Truths of Divine Design,” from Matthew 19:3-6.
1142. The Importance of Divine Design
Dr. Steve Pettit begins a series entitled “Divine Design” with a message titled “The Importance of Divine Design,” from Matthew 19:2-6.
823. Conclusion of the Divine Design Series
Dr. Sam Horn preaches the final sermon from “Divine Design,” the series about Biblical Manhood and Biblical Womanhood.
822. Let the Lion Roar
Dr. Alan Benson continues “Divine Design,” a series about Biblical Manhood and Biblical Womanhood.
821. Four Things You Need To Know Before You Say “I Do”
Dr. Steve Pettit continues “Divine Design,” a series about Biblical Manhood and Biblical Womanhood.
820. Guiding Principles for Marriage
Dr. Steve Pettit continues “Divine Design,” a series about Biblical Manhood and Biblical Womanhood.