814. Be a Man

Dr. Steve Pettit continues a chapel series entitled, “Divine Design” and the scripture is 1 Corinthians 16:13-24.

472. Conclusion

BJU  Vice President Sam Horn concludes a discipleship series entitled, “Divine Design.” Conclusion Psalm 139 From the chapel service on 04/08/2019

471. Let the Lion Roar

BJU  Vice President Alan Benson continues a discipleship series entitled, “Divine Design.” Let the Lion Roar 1 Timothy 3:14-16 From the chapel service on 04/01/2019

464. Biblical Womanhood

BJU President Steve Pettit continues a discipleship series entitled, “Divine Design.” Biblical Womanhood Genesis 2 From the chapel service on 02/04/2019

463. Be A Man

BJU President Steve Pettit continues a discipleship series entitled, “Divine Design.” Be A Man 1 Corinthians 16:13-24 From the chapel service on 01/28/2019