99. Justice Will Come

Dr. Dan Olinger, of the BJU Seminary Faculty, continues a series entitled, “Out Ancient Foe” Justice Will Come Revelation 20 From the chapel service on 11/30/2016

97. God’s Amazing Armor

Dr. Greg Mazak of the BJU Psychology Faculty, continues a series entitled, “Out Ancient Foe” God’s Amazing Armor Ephesians 6 From the chapel service on 10/26/2016

94. Angels and Their World

Dr. Greg Stiekes, of the BJU Seminary faculty, continues a series entitled, “Out Ancient Foe” Angels and Their World 2 Kings 6 From the chapel service on 09/28/2016

93. Demons and Their World

Dr. Brian Hand, of the BJU Seminary faculty, continues a series entitled, “Out Ancient Foe” Demons and Their World Mark 5 From the chapel service on 09/21/2016

92. Knowing Our Enemy

Dr. Layton Talbert, of the BJU Seminary faculty, continues a series entitled, “Out Ancient Foe” Knowing Our Enemy Revelation 12 From the chapel service on 09/14/2016

91. The Conflict Around Us

Dr. Sam Horn, Dean of the BJU Seminary, begins a series entitled, “Out Ancient Foe” The Conflict Around Us Ephesians 6:10-13 From the chapel service on 09/07/2016