Dr. Layton Talbert begins the Seminary Chapel series entitled “The Lord’s Prayer,” with a message titled “Our Father Which Art in Heaven,” from Matthew 6:9.
632. Dealing With the Doxology
BJU Vice President Sam Horn concludes a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Matthew 6:13
631. Lead Us Not Into Temptation but Deliver Us From Evil
Dr. Steve Hankins of the BJU seminary faculty continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Matthew 6:13
630. And Forgive Us Our Debts as We Forgive Our Debtors
Dr. Kevin Oberlin, Dean of the School of Religion at BJU, continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Matthew 6:12
629. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
Pastor Drew Conley of Hampton Park Baptist Church in Greenville, SC, continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer, Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Matthew 6:11
626. Thy Kingdom Come
Dr. Brian Hand of the BJU seminary faculty continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer, Thy Kingdom Come Matthew 6:10
625. Hallowed Be Thy Name
Dr. Randy Jaeggli of the BJU seminary faculty continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer, Hallowed Be Thy Name Matthew 6:9
624. Our Father Which Art in Heaven
Dr. Layton Talbert of the BJU seminary faculty begins a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer, Our Father Which Art in Heaven Matthew 6:9
499. Dealing With the Doxology
BJU Vice President Sam Horn concludes a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Dealing With the Doxology Matthew 6:13 From the chapel service on 04/18/2017
498. Lead Us Not Into Temptation but Deliver Us From Evil
Dr. Steve Hankins of the BJU seminary faculty, continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Lead Us Not Into Temptation but Deliver Us From Evil Matthew 6:13 From the chapel service on 04/11/2017
497. And Forgive Us Our Debts as We Forgive Our Debtors
Dr. Kevin Oberlin, Dean of the School of Religion at BJU, continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer And Forgive Us Our Debts as We Forgive Our Debtors Matthew 6:12 From the chapel service on 04/04/2017
496. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
Pastor Drew Conley of Hampton Park Baptist Church in Greenville, SC, continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Matthew 6:11 From the chapel service on 03/28/2017
495. Thy Kingdom Come
Dr. Brian Hand of the BJU seminary faculty continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Thy Kingdom Come Matthew 6:10 From the chapel service on 02/07/2017
494. Hallowed Be Thy Name
Dr. Randy Jaeggli of the BJU seminary faculty continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Hallowed Be Thy Name Matthew 6:9 From the chapel service on 01/31/2017
493. Our Father Which Art in Heaven
Dr. Layton Talbert of the BJU seminary faculty begins a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Our Father Which Art in Heaven Matthew 6:9 From the chapel service on 01/19/2017
230. Dealing With the Doxology
BJU Vice President Sam Horn, concludes a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Dealing With the Doxology Matthew 6:13 From the chapel message on 04/18/2017
229. Lead Us not Into Temptation but Deliver Us From Evil
Dr. Steve Hankins of the BJU seminary faculty, continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Lead Us not Into Temptation but Deliver Us From Evil Matthew 6:13 From the chapel message on 04/11/2017
228. And Forgive Us Out Debts as We Forgive Our Debtors
Dr. Kevin Oberlin, Dean of the School of Religion at BJU, continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer And Forgive Us Our Debts as We Forgive Our Debtors Matthew 6:12 From the chapel message on 04/04/2017
227. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
Dr. Drew Conley of Hampton Park Baptist Church in Greenville, SC, continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Matthew 6:11 From the chapel message on 03/28/2017
226. Thy Kingdom Come
Dr. Brian Hand of the BJU seminary faculty continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Thy Kingdom Come Matthew 6:10 From the chapel message on 02/07/2017