499. Dealing With the Doxology

BJU Vice President Sam Horn  concludes a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Dealing With the Doxology Matthew 6:13 From the chapel service on 04/18/2017

496. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

Pastor Drew Conley of Hampton Park Baptist Church in Greenville, SC,  continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Matthew 6:11 From the chapel service on 03/28/2017

495. Thy Kingdom Come

Dr. Brian Hand of the BJU seminary faculty continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Thy Kingdom Come Matthew 6:10 From the chapel service on 02/07/2017  

494. Hallowed Be Thy Name

Dr. Randy Jaeggli of the BJU seminary faculty continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Hallowed Be Thy Name Matthew 6:9 From the chapel service on 01/31/2017

227. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

Dr. Drew Conley of Hampton Park Baptist Church in Greenville, SC,  continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Matthew 6:11 From the chapel message on 03/28/2017

226. Thy Kingdom Come

Dr. Brian Hand of the BJU seminary faculty continues a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Thy Kingdom Come Matthew 6:10 From the chapel message on 02/07/2017