Dr. Nathan Crockett of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Truth Triumphs: Why the Reformation Matters” Christ Alone Romans 3:21 From the chapel service on 10/24/17
147. Grace Alone
Dr. Greg Stiekes of the BJU seminary faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Truth Triumphs: Why the Reformation Matters” Grace Alone 1 Timothy 1:11 From the chapel service on 10/18/17
146. Salvation by Faith Alone
Dr. Layton Talbert of the BJU seminary faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Truth Triumphs: Why the Reformation Matters” Salvation by Faith Alone Romans 3 From the chapel service on 09/27/17
145. Sola Scriptura
Dr. Mark Minnick of the BJU seminary faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Truth Triumphs: Why the Reformation Matters” Sola Scriptura Psalm 1 From the chapel service on 09/20/17
144. Why the Reformation Was Needed
Dr. Dan Olinger of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Truth Triumphs: Why the Reformation Matters” Why the Reformation Was Needed From the chapel service on 09/13/17
143. Introduction to the Reformation
BJU Vice President Sam Horn begins a doctrinal series entitled, “Truth Triumphs: Why the Reformation Matters” Introduction to the Reformation John 8:31-32 From the chapel service on 09/06/17