472. Conclusion

BJU  Vice President Sam Horn concludes a discipleship series entitled, “Divine Design.” Conclusion Psalm 139 From the chapel service on 04/08/2019

443. The Glory Due His Name

Dr.Brian Hand of the BJU seminary faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “O How I Love Thy Law” The Third Commandment: The Glory Due His Name Exodus 20:7 From the chapel service on 02/08/2018

416. Evangelism and the Church

Dr. Greg Mazak of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Christ’s Body: the Church” Evangelism and the Church Ephesians 4:12 From the chapel service on 09/29/2014

412. The Resurrected Life

BJU President Steve Pettit conclude a discipleship series entitled, “Walking in the Spirit” The Resurrected Life Galatians 5:25 From the chapel service on 12/02/2014

406. Not Under the Law

BJU President Steve Pettit continues a discipleship series entitled, “Walking in the Spirit” Not Under the Law Galatians 5 From the chapel service on 10/09/2014

345. Conversion

Dr. Jason Ormiston of the BJU Bible Faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Our Great Salvation” Conversion 2 Corinthians 13:1-5 From the chapel service on 02/22/17

342. Grace and Mercy

Dr. Kerry McGonigal of the BJU Bible Faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Our Great Salvation” Grace and Mercy Romans 1 From the chapel service on 1/25/17

327. God’s Amazing Armor

Dr. Greg Mazak of the BJU psychology faculty continues a series of doctrinal messages entitled, “Our Ancient Foe.” God’s Amazing Armor Ephesians 6 From the chapel service on 10/26/2016

313. Our Identity in Christ

BJU President Steve Pettit continues a series of discipleship messages entitled,”Seeking Things Above.” Our Identity in Christ Colossians 3:14 From the chapel service on 09/19/2016