Dr. Brent Cook of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled “What Is Man?” from John 14:5-9
1827. Choosing a Local Church
Dr. Brent Cook continues a series entitled “Christ’s Body: The Church” from Acts 2:42.
1694. How Sinful Am I?
Bible professor Dr. Brent Cook continues a series about the doctrine of man called “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made.” The scripture passage is from Romans 3:9-18.
1659. The Incarnation and Virgin Birth
Dr. Brent Cook continues the series entitled “I Believe,” with a message from Matthew 1:18-25.
1589. Justification: A Righteousness Not My Own
Dr. Brent Cook of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series on soteriology entitled “Our Great Salvation.”
1546. Cultivating the Life of the Mind
Dr. Brent Cook of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled “What Is Man?” from John 14:5-9
1457. Choosing a Local Church
Dr. Brent Cook continues a series entitled “Christ’s Body: The Church” from Acts 2:42.
1369. What is the Purpose of Christian Education?
Dr. Brent Cook presents a message from Genesis 1.
1314. The Incarnation and Virgin Birth
Dr. Brent Cook continues the series entitled “I Believe,” with a message from Matthew 1:18-25.
1269. Justification: A Righteousness Not My Own
Dr. Brent Cook of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series on soteriology entitled “Our Great Salvation.”
1196. Cultivating the Life of the Mind
Dr. Brent Cook of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “What Is Man?” from John 14:5-9
1112. Choosing a Local Church
Dr. Brent Cook continues a series entitled “Christ’s Body: The Church” with a message titled “Choosing a Local Church,” from Acts 2:42.
949. The Incarnation and Virgin Birth
Dr. Brent Cook continues the series entitled “I Believe,” with a message titled “The Incarnation and Virgin Birth” from Matthew 1:18-25.
902. Justification: A Righteousness Not My Own
Dr. Brent Cook of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series on soteriology entitled “Our Great Salvation.” The scripture is from Matthew 19:16-20:16.
846. Cultivating the Life of the Mind
Dr. Brent Cook of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “What Is Man?” from John 14:5-9
787. Choosing a Local Church
Dr. Brent Cook continues a chapel series entitled “Christ’s Body: The Church.” Today’s scripture passage is Acts 2:42.
672. The Incarnation and Virgin Birth
Dr. Brent Cook continues a series entitled, “I Believe,” a summary of the doctrines of the Christian faith.
589. Justification: A Righteousness Not My Own
Dr. Brent Cook of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Our Great Salvation.” Justification: A Righteousness Not My Own Matthew 19:16-20:16 From the chapel service on 02/06/2017
534. Cultivating the Life of the Mind
Dr. Brent Cook of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “What Is Man?” Cultivating the Life of the Mind John 14: 5-9 From the chapel service on 11/10/15
419. Choosing a Local Church
Dr. Brent Cook of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Christ’s Body: the Church” Choosing a Local Church Acts 2:42 From the chapel service on 11/018/2014
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