Dr. Brian Hand of the BJU seminary faculty concludes a doctrinal series entitled “What Is Man?” from Revelation 21.
1849. The Glory due His Name – Third Commandment
Dr. Brian Hand continues a series entitled “O How I Love Thy Law” from Exodus 20:7.
1834. Proclamation That Flows From Loyalty to God
Dr. Brian Hand continues a Seminary Chapel series on the prophet Jeremiah from Jeremiah 15:15-21.
1758. Thy Kingdom Come
Dr. Brian Hand continues a Seminary Chapel series entitled “The Lord’s Prayer,” from Matthew 6:10.
1713. Loving God by Loving His Word
Dr. Brian Hand continues the Seminary Chapel series entitled “Loving God,” with a message from Psalm 119:61-68.
1594. Election
Dr. Brian Hand, BJU Seminary professor, continues a doctrinal series on soteriology entitled “Our Great Salvation.”
1578. Light Momentary Affliction
BJU Seminary professor Dr. Brian Hand concludes a Seminary Chapel series titled “The Aroma of Christ – Ministry According to II Corinthians.” The passage is II Cor. 4:13-18.
1563. Demons and Their World
Dr. Brian Hand continues the series entitled “Our Ancient Foe” from Mark 5.
1549. Man’s Eternal Destiny
Dr. Brian Hand of the BJU seminary faculty concludes a doctrinal series entitled “What Is Man?” from Revelation 21.
1509. Proclamation that Flows from Loyalty to God
Dr. Brian Hand continues a Seminary Chapel series on the prophet Jeremiah from Jeremiah 15:15-21.
1464. The Glory due His Name – Third Commandment
Dr. Brian Hand continues a series entitled “O How I Love Thy Law” from Exodus 20:7.
1373. Thy Kingdom Come
Dr. Brian Hand continues the Seminary Chapel series entitled “The Lord’s Prayer,” with a message titled “Thy Kingdom Come,” from Matthew 6:10.
1343. Loving God by Loving His Word
Dr. Brian Hand continues the Seminary Chapel series entitled “Loving God,” with a message from Psalm 119:61-68.
1253. Demons and Their World
Dr. Brian Hand continues the series entitled “Our Ancient Foe.”
1228. Light Momentary Affliction
Dr. Brian Hand concludes a seminary chapel series studying the book of 2 Corinthians with a message titled, “Light Momentary Affliction,” from 2 Corinthians 4:13-18.
1204. Proclamation that Flows from Loyalty to God
Dr. Brian Hand continues a Seminary Chapel series entitled “Jeremiah pt. 1” with a message titled “Proclamation that Flows from Loyalty to God,” from Jeremiah 15:15-21.
1198. Man’s Eternal Destiny
Dr. Brian Hand of the BJU seminary faculty concludes a doctrinal series entitled, “What Is Man?” from Revelation 21
1119. The Glory due His Name – Third Commandment
Dr. Brian Hand continues a series entitled “O How I Love Thy Law” with a message titled “The Glory due His Name – Third Commandment,” from Exodus 20:7.
993. Thy Kingdom Come
Dr. Brian Hand continues the Seminary Chapel series entitled “The Lord’s Prayer,” with a message titled “Thy Kingdom Come,” from Matthew 6:10.
973. Loving God by Loving His Word
Dr. Brian Hand continues the Seminary Chapel series entitled “Loving God,” with a message titled “Loving God by Loving His Word” from Psalm 119:61-68.