588. The New Birth

Dr. Eric Newton of the BJU seminary faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Our Great Salvation.” The New Birth John 3 From the chapel service on 02/01/2017

570. The Battlefield of the Mind

Dr. Eric Newton of the BJU seminary faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Our Ancient Foe.” The Battlefield of the Mind 1 Peter 5:6-11 From the chapel service on 10/12/2016

532. The Moral Nature of Man

Dr. Eric Newton of the BJU seminary faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “What Is Man?” The Moral Nature of Man Romans 1 From the chapel service on 10/28/15

433. Look to Jesus the King

Dr. Eric Newton of the BJU Bible Faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Looking Unto Jesus” Look to Jesus the King 2 Samuel 7 From the chapel service on 02/09/2015

389. Lord Have Mercy on Me

Dr. Eric Newton of the BJU seminary faculty continues a discipleship series entitled, “Encountering God” Lord Have Mercy on Me Psalm 51 From the chapel service on 02/26/2018

354. The Creation of Man

Dr. Eric Newton of the BJU seminary faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “I Believe” The Creation of Man Genesis 1 From the chapel service on 09/19/2018

343. The New Birth

Dr. Eric Newton of the BJU Bible Faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Our Great Salvation” The New Birth John 3 From the chapel service on 02/01/17

325. The Battlefield of the Mind

Dr. Eric Newton of the BJU seminary faculty continues a series of doctrinal messages entitled, “Our Ancient Foe.” The Battlefield of the Mind 1 Peter 5:6-11 From the chapel service on 10/12/2016

263. The Moral Nature of Man

Dr. Eric Newton of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled “What is Man?” The Moral Nature of Man Romans 1 From the chapel service on 10/28/2015

193. No Other Gods Before Me

BJU Dean of Students Eric Newton continues a doctrinal series entitled “O How I Love Thy Law” No Other Gods Before Me Exodus 20:3 From the chapel service on 02/07/2018

186. Lord Have Mercy on Me

Dr. Eric Newton, Dean of Students at BJU continues a discipleship series entitled, “Encountering God” Lord Have Mercy on Me Psalm 51 From the chapel service on 02/28/2018

174. Look to Jesus the King

Dr. Eric Newton, BJU Dean of Students, continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Looking Unto Jesus” Look to Jesus the King 2 Samuel 7 From the chapel service on 02/09/2015

151. The Priesthood of Every Believer

Dr. Eric Newton, Dean of Students at BJU, continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Truth Triumphs: Why the Reformation Matters” The Priesthood of Every Believer Hebrews 4:12-16 From the chapel service on 11/15/17

124. The New Birth

Dr. Eric Newton, Dean of Students at BJU, continues a doctrinal series entitled “Our Great Salvation” The New Birth John 3 From the chapel service on 02/01/17

56. The Moral Failure of Man

Dr. Eric Newton, Dean of Students at BJU, continues a series entitled “What is Man?” What is Man? The Moral Failure of Man Romans 1 From the BJU chapel message on 10/28/15