Dr. Jason Ormiston of the BJU Bible Faculty, continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Looking Unto Jesus” The Power of the Resurrection Psalm 22 From the chapel service on 04/02/2015
156. The Mission of the Church
Dr. Jason Ormiston of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled “Christ’s Body: The Church” The Mission of the Church Matthew 16:13-20 From the chapel service on 09/24/14
149. For God’s Glory Alone
Dr. Jason Ormiston of the BJU Bible faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Truth Triumphs: Why the Reformation Matters” For God’s Glory Alone 1 Corinthians 10:31 From the chapel service on 11/01/17
126. Conversion
Dr. Jason Ormiston of the BJU Bible faculty, continues a doctrinal series entitled “Our Great Salvation” Conversion 2 Corinthians 13:1-5 From the chapel service on 02/22/17
96. The Tactics of the Devil
Dr. Jason Ormiston of the BJU Bible Faculty, continues a series entitled, “Out Ancient Foe” The Tactics of the Devil Genesis 3:1-5 From the chapel service on 10/18/2016
54. Biblical Change
BJU Bible Professor, Dr. Jason Ormiston, continues a series entitled “What is Man?” What is Man? Biblical Change 2 Corinthians 3:18 From the BJU chapel message on 10/07/15
36. The Power of the Resurrection
Dr. Jason Ormiston, of the BJU Bible Faculty, continues a doctrinal series titled, Looking Unto Jesus Looking Unto Jesus: The Power of the Resurrection Psalm 22 From the BJU chapel message on 04/02/2015
14. The Mission of the Church
BJU Bible professor, Dr. Jason Ormiston, continues a doctrinal series titled, Christ’s Body: The Church Christ’s Body: The Church-The Mission of the Church Matthew 16:13-20 From the BJU chapel message on 09/24/2014