Dr. Mark Minnick of the BJU Seminary Faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled “O How I Love Thy Law” Remember the Sabbath to Keep it Holy Exodus 20 From the chapel service on 02/28/2018
159. The Word of God and the Church
Dr. Mark Minnick of the BJU seminary faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled “Christ’s Body: The Church” The Word of God and the Church Acts 2:41 From the chapel service on 11/05/14
145. Sola Scriptura
Dr. Mark Minnick of the BJU seminary faculty continues a doctrinal series entitled, “Truth Triumphs: Why the Reformation Matters” Sola Scriptura Psalm 1 From the chapel service on 09/20/17
98. Using Our Armor Effectively
Dr. Mark Minnick of the BJU Seminary Faculty, continues a series entitled, “Out Ancient Foe” Using Our Armor Effectively Ephesians 6:13-18 From the chapel service on 11/09/2016
79. How to Read Your Bible
Dr. Mark Minnick of the BJU Seminary faculty, continues a series entitled, “God’s Word in Our Hands” God’s Word in Our Hands: How to Read Your Bible Genesis 1:1 From the chapel message on 04/06/2016
73. The Preservation of God’s Word
Dr. Mark Minnick of the BJU Seminary Faculty continues a series entitled, “God’s Word in Our Hands” God’s Word in Our Hands: The Preservation of God’s Word From the chapel message on 02/10/2016
55. The Flesh: The Enemy Within
BJU seminary Professor, Dr. Mark Minnick, continues a series entitled “What is Man?” What is Man? The Flesh: The Enemy Within Ephesians 2:3 From the BJU chapel message on 10/14/15
17. The Word of God and the Church
BJU Bible professor, Dr. Mark Minnick, continues a doctrinal series titled, Christ’s Body: The Church Christ’s Body: The Word of God and the Church Acts 2:41 From the BJU chapel message on 11/05/2014