Dr. Sam Horn delivers a message from the 2021 Bible Conference titled “The Foundation of Christian Sanctification pt. 1,” from Romans 12:1-2.
1013. The Making of a Merciful Minister of Grace
Dr. Sam Horn delivers a message from Ministry Chapel entitled “The Making of a Merciful Minister of Grace,” from Matthew 5:7.
1011. The Reformation Must Continue
Dr. Sam Horn concludes the series entitled “Truth Triumphs,” with a message titled “The Reformation Must Continue,” from 1 Timothy 4:16.
1001. Introduction to the Reformation
Dr. Sam Horn begins a series entitled “Truth Triumphs,” with a message titled “Introduction to the Reformation,” from John 8:31-32.
997. Dealing with the Doxology
Dr. Sam Horn concludes the Seminary Chapel series entitled “The Lord’s Prayer,” with a message titled “Dealing with the Doxology,” from Matthew 6:13.
977. Loving God Through a Godly Life
Dr. Sam Horn continues the Seminary Chapel series entitled “Loving God,” with a message titled “Loving God Through a Godly Life” from Acts 20.
976. Loving God with a Great-Commission Love for the World
Dr. Sam Horn continues the Seminary Chapel series entitled “Loving God,” with a message titled “Loving God with a Great-Commission Love for the World” from Matthew 9:35-38.
956. It’s Not Just a Creed
Dr. Sam Horn concludes the series entitled “I Believe,” with a message titled “It’s Not Just a Creed,” from 1 Timothy 4.
947. The Inspiration of the Bible
Dr. Sam Horn continues the series entitled “I Believe,” with a message titled “The Inspiration of the Bible,” from 2 Timothy 3:14-17.
945. Keep Yourself from Idols
Dr. Sam Horn preaches a message from the BJU Seminary CORE Conference titled “New Life: Hope and Help for an Addicted World.” The message is titled “Keep Yourself from Idols,” from the scripture passages Matthew 6 and 1 John 5.
942. Sanctification Matters
Dr. Sam Horn continues the series entitled “Church Matters,” with a message titled “Sanctification Matters,” from 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24.
938. Sound Doctrine; The Church’s Firm Foundation
Dr. Sam Horn continues the series entitled “Church Matters,” with a message titled “Sound Doctrine; The Church’s Firm Foundation,” from Titus 2.
937. Our Approach at BJU & What Does this Church Believe?
Dr. Steve Pettit continues the series entitled “Church Matters,” with a message titled “Our Approach at BJU.” When he is finished, Dr. Sam Horn will preach a message titled “What Does this Church Believe?” from 1 Timothy 3:15.
920. The Reality of the Victory of the Lamb
Dr. Sam Horn concludes the series entitled “Our Ancient Foe,” from Revelation 21.
911. The Conflict Around Us
Dr. Sam Horn begins a doctrinal series about Satan entitled “Our Ancient Foe.” The scripture is Ephesians 6:10-13.
910. Glorification
Dr. Sam Horn continues the series on soteriology called “Our Great Salvation” from Romans 8:29-30.
899. Avoiding Gospel Drift
Dr. Sam Horn begins a doctrinal series on soteriology entitled, “Our Great Salvation.” The scripture is Hebrews 2:1-3.
845. Gender and Sexual Identity
Dr. Sam Horn continues a doctrinal series entitled, “What Is Man?” from 2 Peter 1:19
837. Destined for Glory and Honor
Former BJU Vice President Sam Horn begins a doctrinal series entitled, “What Is Man?” from Psalm 8.
836. How to Study the Bible
BJU Vice President Sam Horn concludes a doctrinal series entitled, “God’s Word in Our Hands” and today’s topic is “How to Study the Bible.”