599. Living Out a Life of Service

BJU Vice President Sam Horn continues a Ministry Chapel series entitled “The High Call of Serving.” His sermon is titled “Living Out a Life of Service.” Philippians 1:27

596. Glorification

BJU Vice President Sam Horn concludes a doctrinal series entitled, “Our Great Salvation.” Glorification Romans 8:29-30 From the chapel service on 04/19/2017

586. Avoiding Gospel Drift

BJU Vice President Sam Horn begins a doctrinal series entitled, “Our Great Salvation.” Avoiding Gospel Drift Hebrews 2:1-3 From the chapel service on 01/18/2017

566. The Conflict Around Us

BJU Vice President Sam Horn begins a doctrinal series entitled, “Our Ancient Foe.” The Conflict Around Us Ephesians 6:10-13 From the chapel service on 09/07/2016

555. How to Study the Bible

BJU Vice President Sam Horn concludes a doctrinal series entitled, “God’s Word in Our Hands.” How to Study the Bible From the chapel service on 04/20/2016

499. Dealing With the Doxology

BJU Vice President Sam Horn  concludes a seminary chapel series on The Lord’s Prayer Dealing With the Doxology Matthew 6:13 From the chapel service on 04/18/2017

486. Living Out a Life of Service

BJU Vice President Sam Horn continues a Ministry Chapel series entitled, “The High Call of Serving” Living Out a Life of Service Philippians 1:27 From the chapel service on 02/20/2018

472. Conclusion

BJU  Vice President Sam Horn concludes a discipleship series entitled, “Divine Design.” Conclusion Psalm 139 From the chapel service on 04/08/2019